Monday 24 January 2011

And it starts all over again...

Well its that time again; new semester, new modules, new promises.

Been quite busy lately so hence the lack of posts, but later I shall upload some updates of my recent knitting works. The fun I've had with a knitting nancy and the scarf I am currently knitting to beat this cold January weather!!!

Have fun returning to uni and work guys!

Friday 7 January 2011

Finger Knitting...

Finger Knitting is one of the easiest Knitting techniques out there, I strongly recommend if you've never done it before you give it a go! Its a lot of fun!!!
I have found this tutorial on youtube for all you beginners who may not be totally sure how you do it!
This is just one of the many pieces I have created, I knitted this one yesterday afternoon! I really do enjoy the colours of this particular piece, the purples and reds work really well together. The brighter red, may be slightly too bright but we all learn from our mistakes and I shall be sure to keep the tones correct next time! The two ends of the piece, which could be used as a thin scarf or belt, I believe are really successful in the colour and yarn choice. Perhaps next time I will incorporate a totally different texture yarn to produce a different quality of knit.

Again, apologies for the quality of the photograph! I'm working on finding my camera as soon as possible!

Knitting Nancy Fun...

When I was younger I never had a Knitting Nancy, its something I've wanted to go back to and test out what I missed during my younger days! I went out, bought one and have had so much fun learning to use it...creating bracelets with the knitting nancy has become a very keen interest of mine in the past few days. 
It has certainly kept me entertained during breaks from revision... go on treat yourself, it'll keep you occupied for hours - especially during this month of exams and deadlines! Take a break and Knit something fun :) Youtube have tutorials on how to make flowers shapes out of the knitted tubes the knitting nancy produces. 

Apologies for the not so great quality of the image, I appear to have misplaced my camera so I'm having to use my phone for the moment until it appears or I manage to get a new one!

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year...

Well its that time of year again, one year ends and another begins! 

Resolutions and promises made that always end up broken...

Oh Well, another year it is! 

Happy New Year Everyone, Hope 2011 brings you a fabulous year :)
And for all you Artists and Designers out there...I hope it brings a successful and creative year! Lets see some masterpieces!!!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Knitting in Wonderland...

A group of knitters coming together to create projects based around certain themes, producing knitted compositions and placing them in their original habitat. Knit the City, are really quite an influential group of  mysterious and unannounced yarn corps, operating in London.

They have produced numerous projects, take a look at their website it really is worth taking a look!

I particularly enjoy the Yarnstorm the Ninth: Wall of Wonderland collection. This see's the characters and significant objects from Alice in Wonderland brought to life through knitting. They are intricate and the details this group have gone to are fantastic.

The Telephone Box cosy they have also produced is a very innovative design, take a look...

Monday 27 December 2010

Facebook Page...

My Facebook page is up and running, I am going to be uploading more project photos and the knitting I do in my spare time to this page. I thought it would be best to have use this as social networking seems to be the dominant feature of the internet at the moment. So all you on Facebook... Go and have a look at

Hope you've enjoyed the festive season now its coming to an end, along with 2010, and the reality of work, exams, deadlines, etc starts kicking in! And a whole new year, a new chapter starts again!

Giant Knitting

I recently discovered Jacob Oram's, Knitwear Design pieces and found them fascinating! He uses giant needles with thick, chunky wools to create really interesting, structural pieces. As a fashion designer, he takes knitwear to new levels creating dramatic, over the top, compositions that create an instant 'wow' factor. I really do admire Jacobs work, I think this new level of chunky knit has been executed beautifully in the fashion garments he has produced. Perhaps I will purchase some of these extra chunky needles and give some chunky knitting a go for myself! I shall keep you updated with how that goes!

Jaco Oram's Menswear collection.

One of the knitted jumpers I find the most successful for the current fashion market.