Friday 7 January 2011

Knitting Nancy Fun...

When I was younger I never had a Knitting Nancy, its something I've wanted to go back to and test out what I missed during my younger days! I went out, bought one and have had so much fun learning to use it...creating bracelets with the knitting nancy has become a very keen interest of mine in the past few days. 
It has certainly kept me entertained during breaks from revision... go on treat yourself, it'll keep you occupied for hours - especially during this month of exams and deadlines! Take a break and Knit something fun :) Youtube have tutorials on how to make flowers shapes out of the knitted tubes the knitting nancy produces. 

Apologies for the not so great quality of the image, I appear to have misplaced my camera so I'm having to use my phone for the moment until it appears or I manage to get a new one!

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