Friday 7 January 2011

Finger Knitting...

Finger Knitting is one of the easiest Knitting techniques out there, I strongly recommend if you've never done it before you give it a go! Its a lot of fun!!!
I have found this tutorial on youtube for all you beginners who may not be totally sure how you do it!
This is just one of the many pieces I have created, I knitted this one yesterday afternoon! I really do enjoy the colours of this particular piece, the purples and reds work really well together. The brighter red, may be slightly too bright but we all learn from our mistakes and I shall be sure to keep the tones correct next time! The two ends of the piece, which could be used as a thin scarf or belt, I believe are really successful in the colour and yarn choice. Perhaps next time I will incorporate a totally different texture yarn to produce a different quality of knit.

Again, apologies for the quality of the photograph! I'm working on finding my camera as soon as possible!

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