Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Time...

Well I've come home to the North East for Christmas and have to admit I am feeling a lot more festive! Nothing beats returning home to home cooked food, ankle deep snow and the warmth of your family home :)
Its been a stressful semester to say the least! And deadlines deadlines deadlines at the end of term certainly didn't get anyone in the Christmas spirit! I've been pretty useless with this until now, but I'm pleased to tell you I have finally got round to showing you my final pieces from last semesters final project!!!

My project was solely based around the idea of Architecture in Leeds City Centre. I conducted thorough research and developed ideas and colour schemes based around this research. Architecture has always appeared very influential to me, perhaps its the geometric shaping or maybe its how abstract the forms can be simplified down to! Sandra Backlund and Harriet Woollard were of great inspiration throughout the development of the 2 collections. For this project, I aimed my collections towards the fashion market in particular menswear. I feel as collections and after researching current trends that they fit in with the market audience.

Design Collection 1- Knitted on a 7 gauge Dubied machine.

Design Collection 2 - Knitted on Domestic Machines.

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